1. Radical Candor Kim Scott, co-founder of Candor, Inc., argues that criticizing your employees when they screw up is not just your job, it’s actually your moral obligation. 2. Do You Hate [...]
This week’s kinda-sorta must-reads for HR folk. 1. The Gig Economy is the Story of the Day It’s been estimated that as many as 1 in 3 workers in the U.S. and Europe are now part of [...]
Let’s see if I can make Five for Friday a regular thing. In Focus: How to Prepare, Recover as Hurricane Matthew Heads for Florida Some useful disaster prep resources from SHRM. I talked to [...]
Some interesting reading material from the week. 1. Do You Really Need Two Facebook Accounts? Facebook at Work is on the way. When it comes to social media, how much is too much? Aliah D. Wright [...]
Vermont Business Magazine has announced the 2016 Best Places to Work in Vermont in its latest issue. Congratulations to all of the winners! I’ve noticed that many of the winners are members [...]
We are in the midst of the Uberfication of the workforce. More and more companies are relying on free lancers, contractors and contingent workers. And to be clear, many who fall into those groups [...]
The Vermont Department of Labor has been running a TV ad on the misclassification of employees as contractors. Vermont has a memo of understanding with the U.S. DOL, so could there be federal [...]
Should your managers be eligible for OT? The First Circuit Court of Appeals says maybe. The case involves two managers working for Dunkin’ Donuts who are arguing that management is not [...]
It seems that artificial intelligence applications are being developed to do things like spot bias based on how we use language. Not blatant sexist or racially discriminatory language. This is [...]
The Supreme Court is expected to rule on marriage equality sometime this month. As a business person, why should you care? After all, it’s such an emotionally-charged and divisive issue and your [...]